Sunday, June 9, 2013

June 8, 2013
The school year is winding down. We've been busy finishing up units of study. Quality Schools International is a mastery learning school. We teach a minimum of 10 units in each subject. The students learn and prove mastery of each subject every 15-18 days. Yes, it's a tight, fast schedule!
Almaty International School has a wonderful event at the end of the school year, A.I.S. International Brunch. The parents from our school bring dishes from their home countries to share with everyone. We ate some fantastic food! There is a parade of nations, talent, games with prizes, the "Lucky Dip" where people purchase tickets and turn their ticket in for a guaranteed prize, and Silent Auction. All the monies go to the parent group who sponsor events during the school year.

It was a beautiful 90' day! Lots of beautiful costumes, smiling faces, and great food! 

The woman in the taupe in a parent of one of my students.

My student from Argentina, Simon!

Our Spanish teacher.

The "country" of Texas!

Two our our great teachers...Brandon and Jenn.

Lucky a ticket...get a prize, guaranteed!
Local artisans 

Goods for sale.